
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (19): 128427-128427.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.28427

• Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Unified modeling and analysis method of multi-energy flow for aircraft energy and thermal management system

Runhang TENG1, Kelun HE1, Tian ZHAO1, Xiaoxiao YU2, Xikui YU2, Xianghua XU1, Xingang LIANG1, Qun CHEN1()   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education,Department of Engineering Mechanics,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
    2.Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institute,Shenyang 110035,China
  • Received:2022-12-26 Revised:2023-02-01 Accepted:2023-04-03 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-04-21
  • Contact: Qun CHEN E-mail:chenqun@tsinghua.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(52125604)


The integrated optimization of energy and thermal management system is one of the key technologies in aircraft performance improvement. However, due to the differences in traditional analysis methods of thermal management, power supply and other subsystems, the overall integration analysis is too complicated to conduct. Based on the heat current method of thermal system analysis, this paper establishes the standardized transmission network model of electric, heat and working medium, and proposes the data interaction method between the subsystems of thermal management and power supply, forming an overall modeling and analysis method for the energy and thermal management system of aircraft. The same system is also computationally tested on AMESim. Calculation results show that the calculation time of the newly proposed method is nearly 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the commercial software AMESim on the premise of ensuring the accuracy. Through the variable condition simulation of the system with a given flight profile, it is calculated that under the requirement of temperature control, the carrying capacity of the phase change working medium required by a single mission target is calculated to be 348.8 kg, and the minimum initial power and capacity required by the airborne battery are 1 837 and 3 158 W∙h, repsectively. In conclusion, the proposed method can be used for quantitative lightweight optimization of aircraft.

Key words: energy and thermal management system, overall analysis, graph theory, transmission network model, heat current method

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