收稿日期: 2015-10-29
修回日期: 2016-01-22
网络出版日期: 2016-01-30
Numerical study of plasma synthetic jet control on hypersonic missile
Received date: 2015-10-29
Revised date: 2016-01-22
Online published: 2016-01-30
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11002161,11372349);Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctor Dissertation of China (201058);Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (20121288002);Foundation for the Excellent Youth of NUDT (2013-CT-01)
快响应控制技术已成为高超声速飞行器发展的关键技术之一,具有极快响应、零质量特性的等离子体合成射流(PSJ)已在超声速流动控制方面初步显示出优异的控制能力,极有潜力应用于高超声速飞行器的快响应控制。基于等离子体合成射流的快响应特性,提出了高超声速飞行器等离子体合成射流快响应控制技术,并通过建立简化的高超声速导弹流场控制模型,对等离子体合成射流控制高超声速导弹进行数值研究。首先,理论分析了高超声速导弹流场的典型结构特征,导弹流场中存在3个特征流场结构。在此基础上,在导弹3个特征位置前面安装等离子体合成射流激励器,研究等离子体合成射流对高超声速流场结构的控制作用,分析由此导致的导弹表面压力分布、升阻特性以及俯仰力矩特性变化。数值仿真结果表明:等离子体合成射流对高超声速导弹外流场中膨胀波和斜激波都具有控制作用,使得波的强度均变弱,且对斜激波的控制效果更为显著;导弹流场结构及气动特性变化具有很强的射流跟随性,射流作用下的导弹流场变化响应时间非常短,仅为0.2 ms;通过合理布置等离子合成射流激励器的位置,可以使得导弹表面压力分布快速改变,从而实现高超声速导弹姿态的快速控制。
杨瑞 , 罗振兵 , 夏智勋 , 王林 , 周岩 . 高超声速导弹等离子体合成射流控制数值研究[J]. 航空学报, 2016 , 37(6) : 1722 -1732 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0028
Fast response control technology has become one of the key technologies for hypersonic vehicle development. Plasma synthetic jet (PSJ), which is with fast response and synthetic characteristics, has initially shows excellent potential in terms of hypersonic flow control. A fast response hyper-vehicle control technology based on PSJ is proposed based on PSJ's fast response property and a simplified missile flow field control model for numerical study is established. Theoretical analysis of the typical structure of hypersonic missile flow shows that there are three characteristic flow structures. The PSJ actuators is arranged to these three characteristic positions and the effect on flow structure is observed, which results in the changes of the missile surface pressure distribution, as well as the characteristics of the lift, drag and pitching moments. Numerical simulation results indicate that the jet could have a significant influence on hypersonic flows. It makes the intensity of expansion wave and shock wave weaker, and has more significant effect on shock wave. The change of the flow structure and aerodynamic characteristics has a strong jet following character. That is to say, the flow change response time is very short, which is on the order of 0.2 ms. With rational layout of the actuators' position, quick change in the surface pressure distribution can be achieved for a missile, and thus modulating the missile's attitude can be realized.
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