航空学报 > 1985, Vol. 6 Issue (4): 379-384



  1. 西北工业大学
  • 收稿日期:1984-03-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1985-08-25 发布日期:1985-08-25


Chang Jin   

  1. Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Received:1984-03-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1985-08-25 Published:1985-08-25

摘要: 本文给出具有阵风缓和和其他主动控制功能的组合控制规律。阵风缓和用测量阵风方法的开环控制。当缓和输出量时,闭环控制用以稳定阵风缓和系统并满足其他主动控制要求。本文用一组合的二次型性能指标,得到最优反馈控制规律与测量阵风的组合的控制规律。文末并附有算例。

Abstract: An analytical method of gust alleviation and other active control purposes (relaxed static stability etc. ) for an airplane is described, Gust alleviation uses direct measurements of atmospheric turbulence to yield a feed-forward or open-loop control law. It is relatively insensitive to changes in flight conditions. Thus a combined control law can be obtained which contains feed-back and feed-forward components.The stability of the gust alleviation system and the performances of other active control purpose can be satisfied by obtaining a linear optimal control defined by a quadratic performance, index. Thus the performance index is combined, and the optimal feed-back control law is straightforward and well-known.An application of the combined control law to a flexible airplane is presented. Calculations have been performed to obtain the normal acceleration responses of the airplane to the turbulence and the state responses for the other active control purpose.