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  1. 1. 上海交通大学
    2. 上海交通大学航空航天学院
    3. 上海交通大学 航空航天学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-22 修回日期:2024-05-27 出版日期:2024-05-29 发布日期:2024-05-29
  • 通讯作者: 王利平
  • 基金资助:

Research progress on simulation methods of drop diameter distribution for supercooled large drop icing conditions

Li-Ping WANG 2,Hong Liu   

  • Received:2024-04-22 Revised:2024-05-27 Online:2024-05-29 Published:2024-05-29
  • Contact: Li-Ping WANG

摘要: 自上世纪末至今,过冷大水滴(Supercooled large drop, SLD)结冰条件(14 CFR 25部附录O)飞机结冰现象备受关注。相比于大气结冰条件(14 CFR 25部附录C),其对飞行安全的影响更为恶劣。FAR 25-140及EASA CS-25 16号修正案的相继颁布,表明开展SLD结冰适航符合性验证是我国大型民机取得欧美适航证的强制性条件。其中SLD结冰条件模拟是开展地面SLD结冰试验的必备前提,对SLD防除冰系统设计及试验验证至关重要。本文分析了实现SLD结冰条件粒径分布模拟需满足的典型特征——宽滴谱双峰分布及低水含量(LWC)。对国内外近三十年来世界主要结冰研究机构对SLD结冰条件粒径分布模拟方法研究及发展进程进行了梳理;发现冻毛毛雨(FZDZ)条件粒径分布模拟技术主要经历了4个阶段:增大喷雾的体积中值直径(MVD)、交替发生不同大小MVD云雾、调控水压同时发生不同MVD云雾及使用两套独立可控MVD云雾发生系统;冻雨(FZRA)粒径分布模拟面临更大挑战,目前还处于初始发展阶段。介绍了所取得的主要成果及总结探讨了面临的问题;从粒径大小和双峰分布而言,目前的技术基本能实现对FZDZ粒径分布的模拟,虽然LWC总体偏高,但能满足一定的试验需求;对FZRA条件粒径分布模拟手段虽不成熟,但通过可控大水滴-喷雾组合云雾发生方法具备实现模拟的可能。最后,提出了SLD结冰环境粒径分布模拟需重点关注的研究方向、面临的关键技术问题及解决方法。

关键词: 航空器地面试验, 飞机结冰环境, 过冷大水滴, 粒径分布, 模拟方法, 双喷雾组合, 单滴-喷雾组合

Abstract: Since the end of the last century, aircraft icing phenomenon in supercooled large drop (SLD) icing conditions (14 CFR Part 25 Appendix O) have attracted much attention. The impact on flight safety is worse than atmospheric icing conditions (14 CFR Part 25 Appendix C). The promulgation of Amendment of FAR 25-140 and EASA CS-25 16 suc-cessively indicates that the implementation of SLD icing airworthiness compliance verification is a mandatory condi-tion for China's large civil aircraft to obtain European and American airworthiness certificates. The simulation of SLD icing conditions is a pre-requisite for the ground SLD icing test, and it is very important for the design of SLD anti-icing system and the verification of icing test. In this paper, the typical characteristics of the drop diameter distribution simulation under the icing conditions of SLD are analyzed, namely, large drop diameter span with bimodal distribu-tion and low liquid water content (LWC). The research and development of the simulation methods of drop diameter distribution under SLD icing conditions in the world's major icing research institutions in the past 30 years are re-viewed. It is found that the technology to simulate the drop diameter distribution for freezing drizzle (FZDZ) mainly goes through four stages: increasing the median volume diameter (MVD) of the spray, alternately producing MVD clouds with different sizes, regulating water pressure simultaneously producing clouds with different MVD, and us-ing two sets of independently controllable MVD cloud generation systems. Simulation on the drop diameter distribu-tion for freezing rain (FZRA) are even more challenging and are still in the initial stages of development. The main achievements are introduced and the problems are discussed. In terms of drop diameter and bimodal distribution, the current technology can basically simulate the drop diameter distribution of FZDZ. Although the LWC is generally high, it can meet certain experimental requirements. Although the simulation method for FZRA is not mature, it is possible to simulate the drop diameter distribution through cloud generation method mixing the controlled large drop and the spray. Finally, the research direction, key technical problems and solutions of drop diameter distribu-tion simulation in SLD icing conditions are proposed.

Key words: Aircraft ground tests, Aircraft icing conditions, Supercooled large drop, Drop diameter distribution, Simulation method, Double spray mixing, Single drop and spray mixing
