State of Art of Laser Ablation Microthruster
Hong Yanji;Wang Guangyu;Dou Zhiguo
2009, (9): 1555-1565.
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Experimental Study on Evolution Process of Unconfined Flow Produced by Laser-induced Air Breakdown with Water as an Induction
Cui Cunyan;Hong Yanji;Wang Guangyu
2009, (9): 1566-1570.
PDF [ 585 K ]( 466 ) HTML
Effects of Focusing Angle on Laser-supported Detonation Wave in Air
Wen Ming;Li Qian;Jin Xing;Ye Jifei
2009, (9): 1571-1575.
PDF [ 645 K ]( 588 ) HTML
Numerical Study on Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Spherical Convergent Flap Nozzles
Wang Hongliang;Zhang Jingzhou;Shan Yong
2009, (9): 1576-1582.
PDF [ 907 K ]( 501 ) HTML
Guidance Based on Zero Effort Miss for Super-range Exoatmospheric Intercept
Chen Feng;Xiao Yelun;Chen Wanchun
2009, (9): 1583-1589.
PDF [ 787 K ]( 669 ) HTML
Application of Adaptive Differential Evolutionary Algorithms to Aerodynamic Optimization Design
Chang Yanxin;Gao Zhenghong
2009, (9): 1590-1596.
PDF [ 882 K ]( 676 ) HTML
Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Integral Flow Fieldof Diverterless Supersonic Inlet/Forebody
Li Bo;Liang Dewang
2009, (9): 1597-1604.
PDF [ 1055 K ]( 1284 ) HTML
Numerical Solution of Optimal Trajectory for Hypersonic Vehicle with Constraints
Li Jiafeng;Chen Wanchun
2009, (9): 1605-1611.
PDF [ 759 K ]( 685 ) HTML
Control Surfaces Efficiency Analysis of Flexible Aircraft Based on Experimental Aerodynamic Forces
Shao Ke;Wan Zhiqiang;Yang Chao
2009, (9): 1612-1617.
PDF [ 669 K ]( 751 ) HTML
Experiment of Composite Cooling on Leading Edge of Turbine Blade
You Liangping;Tao Yujia;Cai Jun;Liang Shiqiang;Huai Xiulan;Gu Weizao
2009, (9): 1618-1623.
PDF [ 648 K ]( 559 ) HTML
Numerical Investigation of Influence of Rotation of Film on Cooling Effectiveness over Rotating Curved Surfaces
Wu Hong;Meng Henghui;Tao Zhi;Xu Guoqiang;Ding Shuiting
2009, (9): 1624-1629.
PDF [ 751 K ]( 490 ) HTML
Cooling Passage Design Optimization of Turbine Blades Based on Response Surface Methodology
Yu Kuahai;Yang Xi;Ni Jun;Yue Zhufeng
2009, (9): 1630-1634.
PDF [ 644 K ]( 587 ) HTML
Weak Nonlinear Evolution of Small Amplitude Disturbances in 2D Supersonic Boundary Layer
Tu Guohua;Yuan Xiangjiang;Mao Meiliang;Lu Lipeng
2009, (9): 1635-1640.
PDF [ 690 K ]( 537 ) HTML
Fatigue Damage Model of Notched 18CrNi4A Steel Specimens by Metal Magnetic Memory Method
Liu Changkui;Tao Chunhu;Chen Xing;Dong Shiyun
2009, (9): 1641-1647.
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Structural Frequency Prediction of Large Deployable Antenna in Space
Li Tuanjie;Wang Yao;Wei Jurong;Yang Dongwu
2009, (9): 1648-1654.
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Response Surface-based Performance Reliability Optimization Design Method
Zeng Shengkui;Li Feixia;Ma Jiming
2009, (9): 1655-1660.
PDF [ 609 K ]( 623 ) HTML
Allocation Plan of Failure Samples Based on Failure Rate in Testability
Li Tianmei;Qiu Jing;Liu Guanjun
2009, (9): 1661-1665.
PDF [ 580 K ]( 738 ) HTML
Rainflow Amplitude Distribution of Bi-modal Stress Power Spectral Density
Wang Mingzhu;Yao Weixing
2009, (9): 1666-1671.
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Dynamics of Arresting Hook Bounce After Initial Touchdown and Impacting with Deck
Liu Gang;Nie Hong
2009, (9): 1672-1677.
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Reliability Analysis of Multiaxial Low Cycle Fatigue Life for Turbine Disk
Gao Yang;Bai Guangchen;Zhang Yingli
2009, (9): 1678-1682.
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Risk Possibility Number—A New Model for Risk Evaluation and Prioritization Based on Maximum Entropy Theory
Wang Guibao;Huang Hongzhong;Zhang Xiaoling
2009, (9): 1683-1690.
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Life-prediction of Multi-stress Accelerated Life Testing Based onBP Algorithm of Artificial Neural Network
Zhang Wei;Li Xiaoyang;Jiang Tongmin;Huang Lingcai
2009, (9): 1691-1696.
PDF [ 651 K ]( 661 ) HTML
Research on Parameterized Design of Wavelet and Its Application in Edge Detection
Zhu Qiang;Li Yanjun;Xu Jin;Zhang Jianhua
2009, (9): 1697-1704.
PDF [ 1037 K ]( 499 ) HTML
A Gradient-domain Method to Blend Multiple Images for Aerial Video Mosaic
Wang Yunli;Gao Chao;Zhang Maojun
2009, (9): 1705-1710.
PDF [ 804 K ]( 625 ) HTML
Lineofsight Measurement Based Autonomous Optical Relative Navigation Algorithms for Asteroid Landing and Observability Analysis
Li Shuang
2009, (9): 1711-1717.
PDF [ 832 K ]( 702 ) HTML
Resource Allocation Strategies in MF-TDMA Satellite Systems
Dong Qijia;Zhang Jun;Zhang Tao;Qin Yong
2009, (9): 1718-1726.
PDF [ 1238 K ]( 1097 ) HTML
Air Combat Decision Making for Coordinated Multiple Target Attack Using Collective Intelligence
Liu Bo;Qin Zheng;Shao Liping;Gao Youbing;Wang Rui
2009, (9): 1727-1739.
PDF [ 1703 K ]( 693 ) HTML
A Novel and Universal Method for Calculating Electromagnetic Scattering from Complex Inlet Cavity Structure
Jiang Yingfu;Li Jianzhou;Xu Jiadong;Duan Hong
2009, (9): 1740-1744.
PDF [ 622 K ]( 555 ) HTML
Filter Design for a Class of Nonlinear Optic-electric Tracking Systemswith Intermittent Observation
Chen Li;Xu Zhigang;Sheng Andong
2009, (9): 1745-1753.
PDF [ 940 K ]( 548 ) HTML
Novel Approach to IR Moving Dim Target Detection Against Complex Background
Huang Kang;Mao Xia;Hu Haiyong;Liang Xiaogeng
2009, (9): 1754-1760.
PDF [ 861 K ]( 601 ) HTML
Review of Research on Gas Retention Layer Material for Stratospheric Airship Envelope and Helium Permeation in Polymers
Zhao Zhenlu;Wang Xiaoqun;Du Shanyi
2009, (9): 1761-1768.
PDF [ 1086 K ]( 1140 ) HTML
Characteristics and Rolling Contact Fatigue Model of Diamond-like Carbon Films on Aerospace Bearing Surfaces
Liu Hongxi;Su Haiqing;Jiang Yehua;Meng Chunlei;Lin Bo
2009, (9): 1769-1775.
PDF [ 857 K ]( 716 ) HTML
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters Affecting Milling Force in Plunge Milling of Titanium Alloy TC11
Yang Zhenchao;Zhang Dinghua;Yao Changfeng;Ren Junxue;Tian Weijun
2009, (9): 1776-1781.
PDF [ 678 K ]( 848 ) HTML
Research on Automatic Tape-laying Technique for Composites—Calculation Method of Tape-laying Path on Freeform Surfaces
Luo Haiyan;Li Yong;Xiao Jun;Huan Dajun
2009, (9): 1782-1787.
PDF [ 645 K ]( 634 ) HTML
Micro Wire Electrode Electrochemical Machining
Wang Shaohua;Zhu Di
2009, (9): 1788-1794.
PDF [ 966 K ]( 557 ) HTML
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