UAV tight formation refers to the formation whose lateral distance between the UAVs is within one to two times of the wingspan. It has attracted considerable attention because of its effective improvement in the aerodynamic performance of UAVs in formation. In this paper, the aerodynamic coupling effect of the UAVs in tight formation is studied, and the state-space equation in three-dimensional space is established to describe the relative motion of two UAVs. The optimal formation configuration of two UAVs in close formation is deduced, where the combination of the artificial potential field method and formation control is used as the indirect control loop in the control system, and the basic pigeon inspired opbimization algorithm is calculated. The optimization defect of the algorithm is improved by quantum behavior rules. The improved opbimization pigeon inspired algorithm and the UAV control variables are combined as the direct control loop in the control system. Finally, the effectiveness of the control system is verified by simulation comparisons.
ZHANG Dalong
. Tight formation flight control of UAVs based on pigeon inspired algorithm optimization by quantum behavior[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2020
, 41(8)
: 323722
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2020.23722
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