Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics

Impact of high temperature gas effect on hypersonic magnetohydrodynamic control

  • DING Mingsong ,
  • LIU Qingzong ,
  • JIANG Tao ,
  • GAO Tiesuo ,
  • DONG Weizhong ,
  • FU Yang'aoxiao
  • Computational Aerodynamics Institute, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China

Received date: 2019-07-10

  Revised date: 2019-07-31

  Online published: 2019-10-31


High temperature gas effect can have a strong impact on the flow characteristics of plasma, thus influencing the efficiency of magnetohydrodynamic flow control. Based on the hypothesis of low magnetic Reynolds number, a numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic flow control of perfect gas, equilibrium gas, chemical non-equilibrium gas, and thermal-chemical non-equilibrium gas is conducted by solving coupled electric field Poisson equation and three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation with electromagnetic source term. Based on this method, this paper analyzes the influence of different gas models on magnetohydrodynamic flow control, discussing the rule of the influence of high temperature gas chemical non-equilibrium effect, thermal-chemical non-equilibrium effect, and Joule heat vibrational energy ratio on magnetohydrodynamic flow control. Results show that gas model has a strong influence on magnetohydrodynamic flow control. By using chemical non-equilibrium gas model, the increase of aerodynamic drag coefficient caused by magnetic field is smaller than that by using perfect gas model but is larger than that by using equilibrium gas model. The magnetic thermal protection effect by using equilibrium gas model and perfect gas model is different from that by using the non-equilibrium gas model. The influence of thermal-chemical non-equilibrium effect on magneto hydrodynamic flow control is in close relation to the Joule heat vibrational energy ratio. As the Joule heat vibrational energy ratio increases, the influence on aerodynamic drag coefficient caused by magnetic field falls significantly from 67% to 12%. The high temperature real gas effect will significantly reduce the influence on aerodynamic drag coefficient caused by magnetic field and significantly enhance the efficiency of magnetic thermal protection. In order to precisely simulate magnetohydrodynamic flow, the thermal-chemical non-equilibrium effect must be taken into account, and the most accurate Joule heat vibrational energy ratio should be chosen.

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DING Mingsong , LIU Qingzong , JIANG Tao , GAO Tiesuo , DONG Weizhong , FU Yang'aoxiao . Impact of high temperature gas effect on hypersonic magnetohydrodynamic control[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2020 , 41(2) : 123278 -123278 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2019.23278


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