
Progress and prospect of research on hole cold expansion technique

  • WANG Yanli ,
  • ZHU Youli ,
  • CAO Qiang ,
  • ZHANG Xiaohui
  • 1. State Wuhu Machinery Factory, Wuhu 241000, China;
    2. Faculty of Remanufacturing Engineering, Academy of Armored Engineering, Beijing 100072, China

Received date: 2017-04-18

  Revised date: 2017-08-04

  Online published: 2018-02-11

Supported by

Ministry-level Project


Bolt joint and riveting joint are the main connection methods of the aircraft structure. Because of severe structural stress concentration at the hole edge, hole structures are prone to fatigue fracture. Therefore, improving the fatigue strength of the connection hole is a key technique that the aviation industry is generally concerned about. Hole cold expansion is the most widely used technique for hole anti-fatigue manufacturing. In this paper, the technology of hole cold expansion, the strengthening mechanism, the factors influencing the cold expansion process, the effect of service conditions on anti-fatigue gain of cold expansion, and the effect of re-cold expansion on pre-fatigued hole are summarized. Based on analysis of current status of research on cold expansion and practical needs of the aviation industry, some prospects and recommendations for hole cold expansion in future study are given.

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WANG Yanli , ZHU Youli , CAO Qiang , ZHANG Xiaohui . Progress and prospect of research on hole cold expansion technique[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018 , 39(2) : 21336 -021336 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.021336


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