Transition effect on separation bubble of shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a compression ramp
Received date: 2015-10-23
Revised date: 2015-12-08
Online published: 2016-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (91441103,11372330)
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of shock wave and transitional boundary layer interaction for a 24°compression corner at Mach number 2.9 are performed to study the effect of transition on the separation bubble at the ramp corner. At upstream, the flat-plate transition is triggered by the periodic blow and suction disturbance. The interaction of shock wave and transitional boundary layer is then simulated by setting the length of upstream flat-plate. The extent of separation agrees well with those of the experimental and direct numerical simulation data, which validate the results. Transition effect on the separation bubble in the interaction region is researched and the turbulent kinetic energy budget in the bubble is analyzed. Results indicate that the coherent structures at the early stage of transition have a serious influence on the separation bubble, in which the turbulent spots are formed by the hairpin vortices. Then the scale of separation bubble is the smallest and the shape is spike-type in the spanwise direction. With the evolution of transition, the turbulent production and dissipation term in the separation bubble gradually reduce by four times, while the turbulent transport term contributes to the balance of the turbulent production and dissipation.
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