Analysis and optimization for locating errors of large wing panel during automatic drilling and riveting
Received date: 2015-06-09
Revised date: 2015-08-05
Online published: 2015-08-07
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51305352)
In the process of automatic drilling and riveting for large-sized wing panels, the mapping relationship between their practical poses and theoretical poses could not be established accurately due to the large locating errors. Nevertheless, the error compensation process is complicated, which leads to low efficiency in aircraft assembly. Focusing on compensation method through fixture design, locating errors tracing analysis and optimization approach for the layout of locating points are studied aiming to control the locating errors during locating of large-sized wing panels. First, locating errors tracing analysis is carried out according to the process flow of automatic drilling and riveting. The sources of the errors and the propagation mechanism are analyzed. Second, the locating variation propagation process is divided in two sub-process, rigid part and flexible part. For the rigid part, the Monte-Carlo method and the homogeneous transformation method are applied to analyzing the produce and propagation of the errors respectively. As to flexible part, the deformation error of each key feature points on the wing panel is calculated utilizing the finite-element method. Third, combing the rigid part and flexible part, the locating error distributing law is analyzed based on the confidence degree. Fourth, parameterized models are developed using Abaqus scripting language, and the layout of locating points is optimized based on NSGA-II by the means of backstage calling and assignment planning using Isight. Finally, a wing panel of X-type aircraft is used to validate the methodology proposed, which demonstrates the technical feasibility of the methodology.
QI Zhenchao , ZHANG Kaifu , LI Yuan , CHENG Hui . Analysis and optimization for locating errors of large wing panel during automatic drilling and riveting[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2015 , 36(10) : 3439 -3449 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0221
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