
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 1694-1702.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0458

• Electronics and Control • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Spacecraft Attitude Estimation Method Based on NGA-QPF

LI Haijun, ZHAO Guorong, HUANG Jingli, ZHOU Dawang   

  1. Department of Control Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Yantai 264001, China
  • Received:2013-09-04 Revised:2013-11-04 Online:2014-06-25 Published:2013-11-20
  • Supported by:

    Ministry Level Project


A spacecraft attitude estimation method of particle filters based on the genetic algorithm is proposed to solve nonlinear non-Gaussian filtering problems in attitude determination. In this method, the attitude quaternion is used as sampling particles for the particle filter and the niche genetic algorithm (NGA) is introduced into the particle filter algorithm in order to improve its performance. At the same time, gyro bias is estimated by the genetic algorithm separately to reduce the state dimension of the particle filter. This method not only maintains the properties of the normalized quaternion but also solves the particle degradation problem in the resampling stage by introducing the NGA. And as gyro bias is estimated separately, the expansion of the state dimension is avoided. The method can achieve attitude determination with high efficiency and precision for the case of relatively few particles. Simulation results show the validity of the method.

Key words: attitude estimation, quaternion, nonlinear filtering, particle filter, niche genetic algorithm, gyro bias estimation

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