
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 1993, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (10): 496-499.

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Li Wen-Ian, Tang Di-yi, Qiao Wei-yang, Liu Zhen-xia   

  1. Faculty 703 of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, 710072
  • Received:1992-05-09 Revised:1992-05-12 Online:1993-10-25 Published:1993-10-25

Abstract: According to the requirement of aircraft noise certification of CCAR and the foundation of aircraft prediction, a program system for aircraft noise prediction (ANPS) has been developed. This system can be used to calculate the aircraft take-off, approach and side-line noise (EPNL) for the purpose of aircraft noise certification, and to calculate the sound pressure and spectrum at airframe surface in cruise flying. The sound power of every source can be calculated separately by the system; therefore, the effects of design parameters for engine and aircraft on the sound power can be inspected through change in these parameters. The calculated effective perceived noise levels of aircraft take-off, approach and side-line are in agreement with measurement results, so this system can make service for aeronautical engineering satisfactorily.

Key words: noise predictions, noise sources, analyzing