
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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Rapid Prediction Method for Trailing Edge Scattering Noise Applicable to Both Water and Air


  • Received:2024-02-18 Revised:2024-06-11 Online:2024-06-17 Published:2024-06-17
  • Contact: Kun ZHAO

Abstract: Airfoil trailing edge scattering noise is a significant component of airfoil self-noise, commonly found in the noise of fast-moving bodies in water and air, as well as rotating machinery. A rapid prediction method for airfoil trailing edge scatter-ing noise based on the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of turbulent boundary layer pulsating pressure (referred to as "TBL pulsating pressure") can achieve fast noise prediction. However, existing methods lack sufficient considera-tion of compressibility when modeling the TBL pulsating pressure wavenumber-frequency spectrum, leading to weak universality in media with significant differences in compressibility, such as water and air. This paper establishes a new prediction method for airfoil trailing edge scattering noise based on a compressible theory-based TBL pulsating pressure wavenumber-frequency spectrum model, combined with Amiet's airfoil far-field noise propagation integral model. Acoustic wind tunnel and water tunnel experiments were conducted to obtain experimental data on TBL pulsat-ing pressure and far-field noise on airfoil surfaces in both air and water media, to verify the model, and to compare it with the classic Chase II model, which also considers compressibility. The research results show that the TBL pulsat-ing pressure wavenumber-frequency spectrum of this paper has good predictive effects in air, effectively predicting noise in the mid-to-high frequency range, and also has good predictive effects in water. The model in this paper out-performs the Chase II model in predicting TBL pulsating pressure and noise in both air and water, indicating that the model has universality in both water and air, as well as high accuracy.

Key words: trailing edge scattering noise, rapid prediction method, pulse wave number-frequency spectrum, compressibil-ity-based prediction model, aeroacoustic wind tunnel, water tunnel

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