
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (19): 630145.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2024.30145

• Uncertainties in Aerothermodynamics of Aero-engine • Previous Articles    

Uncertainty analysis of non-axisymmetric stagger angle based on NIPC

Haowan ZHUANG1, Chuanjun CAO1, Yan WANG2, Jinfang TENG2(), Mingmin ZHU2, Xiaoqing QIANG2   

  1. 1.AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine CO. ,LTD,Shanghai  200241,China
    2.School of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai  200240,China
  • Received:2024-01-12 Revised:2024-02-01 Accepted:2024-03-12 Online:2024-03-21 Published:2024-03-19
  • Contact: Jinfang TENG E-mail:tjf@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Science and Technology Major Project (2017-Ⅱ-0004-0017);Shanghai Municipal Education Commission(2023-02-7);Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities


An uncertainty quantification method based on the non-intrusive polynomial chaos is developed to assess the impacts of non-axisymmetric stagger angle distribution on the aerodynamic performance of compressors. Uncertainty quantification is carried out to analyze the aerodynamic performance of an eight-passage high-pressure compressor rotor with non-axisymmetric stagger angles. The changes of the rotor performance are quantificationally attributed to the variation of the average stagger angle and the nonuniformity. The results show that the mass flow rate and isentropic efficiency at the design point are mainly affected by the nonuniformity, which accounts for 65.6% and 71.8%, respectively, while the pressure ratio is evenly influenced by the average stagger angle and nonuniformity. At the small mass flow point, nonuniformity mainly leads to the decrease of mass flow rate and total pressure ratio, which account for 88.2% and 66.2%, respectively, while the isentropic efficiency is evenly influenced by the average stagger angle and nonuniformity. The radial distribution of isentropic efficiency shows that the uncertainty in isentropic efficiency of radial position below 20% span is mainly caused by the change of the average stagger angle, while the isentropic efficiency at about 30% span is mainly affected by the nonuniformity. The performance and flow field analysis of the extreme cases show that the non-axisymmetric stagger angle distribution mainly affects the isentropic efficiency below 50% span at the small flow rate.

Key words: non-axisymmetric, stagger angle, compressor, aerodynamic performance, uncertainty quantification

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