Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (18): 29842.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.29842
• Reviews •
Jiaxin WANG, Jianlin XUAN(), Xiaojun YANG, Rui ZHENG
Jianlin XUAN
CLC Number:
Jiaxin WANG, Jianlin XUAN, Xiaojun YANG, Rui ZHENG. Research progress of flapping wing aircraft with multimodal motion ability[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2024, 45(18): 29842.
Table 1
Flapping wing aircraft design with multimodal motion capabilities
名称 | 研发机构 | 自主 起降 | 滑扑 结合 | 飞爬 一体化 | 快速 机动 | 快速 栖停 | 引用文献 |
DelFly Ⅰ | 代尔夫特理工大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
DelFly Ⅱ | √ | × | × | × | × | [ | |
DelFly Micro | √ | × | × | × | × | [ | |
DelFly Explorer | √ | × | × | × | × | [ | |
DelFly Nimble | √ | × | × | √ | × | [ | |
早期版本的Robobee | 哈佛大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
静电吸附版Robobee | √ | × | × | × | √ | [ | |
壁面降落版Robobee | √ | × | × | × | √ | [ | |
Robobee | √ | × | × | √ | × | [ | |
Robobee X-wing | √ | × | × | √ | × | [ | |
仿昆虫扑翼飞行器 | × | √ | × | × | × | [ | |
BLOT | 加州大学 | √ | × | × | × | [ | |
DASH+Wings | √ | × | √ | × | × | [ | |
H2Bird | √ | × | √ | × | × | [ | |
信鸽(扑滑一体版) | 西北工业大学 | × | √ | × | × | × | [ |
信鸽(自主起降版) | √ | × | × | × | × | [ | |
小隼 | × | √ | × | √ | × | [ | |
一种仿鸟扑翼飞行器 | 塞维利亚大学 | × | √ | × | × | × | [ |
大翼展鸟爪扑翼飞行器 | √ | × | × | × | √ | [ | |
一种蜂鸟机器人 | 北京航空航天大学 | √ | × | × | √ | × | [ |
一种蜂鸟机器人 | √ | × | √ | × | × | [ | |
RoboRaven | 马里兰大学 | × | × | × | √ | × | [ |
基于的RoboRaven(扑滑一体) | × | √ | × | × | × | [ | |
Nano Hummingbird | 美国AeroVironment公司 | √ | × | × | √ | × | [ |
Phoenix | 麻省理工学院 | × | × | × | × | √ | [ |
受蜂鸟和水渑启发的扑翼飞行器 | 哈尔滨工业大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
一种射频驱动的微型扑翼飞行器 | 丰田中央研发实验室 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
Jump-flapper | 建国大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
一种仿鸟扑翼飞行器 | 埃及-日本科技大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
空壁两栖多模态机器人 | 南京航空航天大学 | √ | × | × | × | × | [ |
一种仿鸟扑翼飞行器 | 马拉加大学 | × | √ | × | × | × | [ |
USTBird | 北京科技大学 | × | √ | × | √ | × | [ |
Entomopter | 佐治亚理工学院 | √ | × | √ | × | × | [ |
Robofly | 华盛顿大学 | √ | × | √ | × | × | [ |
受雨燕启发的仿鸟扑翼飞行器 | 南洋理工大学 | × | × | × | √ | × | [ |
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