收稿日期: 2015-09-25
修回日期: 2015-11-01
网络出版日期: 2015-11-25
Optimal design of rotary table for spherical rotor of magnetically suspending gambling flywheel
Received date: 2015-09-25
Revised date: 2015-11-01
Online published: 2015-11-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51475472)
为实现磁悬浮飞轮的磁路解耦,消除磁轴承相互干扰,提出一种球面磁悬浮万向飞轮转子方案,采用轴向和径向两个球面磁阻式磁轴承控制转子的3个平动自由度,结合洛伦兹力磁轴承实现了磁悬浮飞轮转子五自由度全主动控制、全通道磁路解耦,以精确控制飞轮转子万向偏转,为提升磁悬浮飞轮姿态控制力矩带宽和姿态敏感精度提供了方案支持。根据球面转子结构特性,以质量为优化目标,以一阶共振频率、最大等效应力、刚体位移、极转动惯量、惯量比、质心与形心距离为约束条件,利用多学科优化软件iSIGHT集成ANSYS有限元分析软件,选取序列二次规划算法,对球面转子轮盘进行优化设计。结果表明,在满足设计指标的同时,轮盘质量降低了2.98%,质心与形心的距离大幅降低了1个数量级,仅为12 μm,转子高速旋转时的刚体位移为13.65 μm,有效保证了球面转子在工作时的稳定性和可靠性。
王卫杰 , 任元 , 刘强 , 樊亚洪 . 球面磁悬浮万向飞轮转子轮盘优化设计[J]. 航空学报, 2016 , 37(9) : 2874 -2883 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0307
In order to achieve magnetic circuit decoupling of magnetically suspending flywheel (MSFW), and to eliminate the magnetic bearing interference, one spherical rotor of the magnetically suspending gambling flywheel(MSGFW) is proposed. Magnetic bearings with both axial and radial spherical magnetic resistance types are used to control the rotor's 3 translational degrees of freedom (DOFs); combining with the Lorentz force magnetic bearing, we achieve the rotor's 5 DOFs active control and all channel magnetic circuit decoupling so that the rotor's universal deflection is precisely controlled. The project support is provided to improve the MSFW attitude control moment bandwidth and attitude sensitive precision. Based on the structure of spherical rotor, taking the mass of rotary table as the optimization objective, considering the constraint conditions including the first order resonance frequency, maximum equivalent stress, rigid body displacement, polar inertial moment, ratio of inertial moment, and distance between centroid and geometric center, using the software of multidisciplinary optimization iSIGHT to integrate the software of finite element analysis ANSYS, we optimally design the rotary table of spherical rotor by NLPQL algorithm. The results indicate that the mass of rotary table reduces by 2.98 %, the distance between centroid and geometric center is lowered by 1 order of magnitude, only 12 μm, and the rigid body displacement of rotor at high rotation speed is 13.65 μm. The stability and reliability of spherical rotor in operation are guaranteed effectively.
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