收稿日期: 2014-09-18
修回日期: 2015-03-04
网络出版日期: 2015-10-27
国家“973”计划 (2014CB744804)
Aerodynamic shape optimization design of civil jet wing-body-tail configuration
Received date: 2014-09-18
Revised date: 2015-03-04
Online published: 2015-10-27
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB744804)
针对典型跨声速民用客机的机翼/机身/平尾构型开展了基于离散伴随技术的气动外形优化设计方法研究,并采用自由型面变形(FFD)技术在优化设计过程中进行平尾的整体偏转,以实现最终设计结果全机俯仰力矩配平。采用基于雷诺平均 Navier-Stokes (RANS) 方程的离散伴随技术求解气动参数对设计变量的梯度,使梯度求解计算量与设计变量个数实现解耦,提高了优化效率。应用FFD技术对全机构型进行整体参数化,可通过FFD控制体控制机翼外形的变化以及平尾偏转,在实现机翼优化设计的同时通过偏转平尾来进行力矩配平,避免了单独优化机翼外形可能带来的额外配平阻力。采用序列二次规划算法进行基于梯度的优化设计并处理大规模的约束条件。以Drag Prediction Workshop IV Common Research Model作为初始构型进行了有/无力矩配平约束的优化设计,并在优化过程中施加升力约束以及几何约束。算例结果表明,优化后的气动外形显著改善了机翼表面压力分布,消除了激波,在力矩配平约束下的算例中,通过平尾的偏转实现了俯仰力矩配平下的机翼优化设计。
关键词: 气动优化; 机翼设计; 力矩配平; 离散伴随; 自由型面变形(FFD)
陈颂 , 白俊强 , 史亚云 , 乔磊 . 民用客机机翼/机身/平尾构型气动外形优化设计[J]. 航空学报, 2015 , 36(10) : 3195 -3207 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0066
The approach of applying discrete adjoint technique-based aerodynamic shape optimization on civil jet wing-body-tail configuration has been presented, in which free-form deform (FFD) technique has been used to rotate the tail for trimming the whole aircraft. Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations solver has been used for simulation together with a discrete adjoint solver for computing the gradients of the objective function with respect to the design variables, which makes the computational cost almost independent from the number of design variables. FFD technique has been used for all-at-once parameterization of the wing shape and the tail so that the wing shape and the tail rotation could be controlled simultaneously, which could trim the aircraft as a moment constraint while optimizing the wing and avoid the trim drag when optimizing the wing only. Sequential quadratic programming has been used for gradient-based optimization to handle large number of constraints. Drag prediction workshop IV common research model has been used as the baseline configuration, on which design optimization for drag reduction with and without the trimming constraint has been researched. The results of the optimization cases show that the shock wave on the wing could be fully eliminated after the optimization and the drag has been reduced. In the case with trimming constraint, the pitching moment is trimmed by a rotation angle of the tail by the optimizer.
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