收稿日期: 2015-06-04
修回日期: 2015-10-14
网络出版日期: 2015-10-23
Numerical analysis for low Reynolds number airfoil based on γ-Reθt transition model
Received date: 2015-06-04
Revised date: 2015-10-14
Online published: 2015-10-23
Supported by
National High-tech Research and Development Program of China
通过综合运用Michel转捩判据和γ-Reθt转捩模型的方法实现对低雷诺数翼型的气动分析。首先通过Michel转捩判据和层流分离位置分别估算转捩动量厚度雷诺数,然后分别用Langtry和Tomac提出的经验关系式计算转捩动量厚度雷诺数和转捩区长度,通过UDF(User-Defined Functions)将不同组的3个经验关联值写入Fluent软件对E387翼型(雷诺数为3×105)进行数值分析,并与试验值进行了对比。结果表明:基于Michel转捩判据比基于层流分离更能准确预测转捩位置,基于层流分离预测的转捩位置过于靠前,但是2种方法的气动力计算结果与试验值都比较吻合,Langtry和Tomac的经验关系式计算结果之间差别不大,Tomac方法能够计算出分离泡,且与Selig油流试验吻合较好。
关键词: 低雷诺数; 层流分离; Michel 转捩判据; γ-Reθt转捩模型; 转捩预测; E387翼型
陈立立 , 郭正 . 基于γ-Reθt转捩模型的低雷诺数翼型数值分析[J]. 航空学报, 2016 , 37(4) : 1114 -1126 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0278
Michel transition criterion and γ-Reθt transition model have been integrated to complete the aerodynamics analysis of low Reynolds number airfoil. In this paper, Michel transition criterion and laminar separation position are used to estimate transition momentum thickness Reynolds number, then critical Reynolds number and transition length that controls the length of the transition region are computed by Langtry and Tomac empirical correlation, respectively. The three empirical correlation values are read into Fluent by User-Defined Functions (UDF) to implement the numerical analysis for E387 airfoil (Reynolds number is 3×105), then the results are compared with experiment. The results demonstrate that Michel-based criterion has more accurate transition prediction position than laminar separation, which gives the transition onset position ahead of experiment value, while aerodynamic forces obtained with both methods agree with those with experiment. Meanwhile, there is a little discrepancy between Langtry and Tomac correlation; however, Toamc correlation can display the separation bubble, which is identical with oil-flow experiment by Selig.
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