收稿日期: 2013-07-22
修回日期: 2013-09-13
网络出版日期: 2013-09-29
Multiple Degradation Variables Modeling for Remaining Useful Life Estimation of Gyros Based on Copula Function
Received date: 2013-07-22
Revised date: 2013-09-13
Online published: 2013-09-29
Supported by
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (61025014); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61174030, 61206007, 61174030, 61374126)
张建勋 , 胡昌华 , 周志杰 , 司小胜 , 杜党波 . 多退化变量下基于Copula函数的陀螺仪剩余寿命预测方法[J]. 航空学报, 2014 , 35(4) : 1111 -1121 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0391
This paper proposes a model for the remaining useful life (RUL) estimation of gyros with multiple degradation variables based on the Copula function. Frist, because the different degradation variables may have different degradation paths, different models are adopted to obtain a marginal distribution of the RUL. And since the fluctuations of some degradation data increase over time, a normal stochastic process whose variance is the function of time is adopted for describing the degradation process. Then, a RUL joint distribution combining these marginal distributions is obtained based on the characteristics of the Copula function. Finally, the degradation data of gyro drift from a practical experiment are used to illustrate the feasibility and applicability of our model.
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