航空学报 > 1982, Vol. 3 Issue (4): 84-92



  1. 贵州机电设计研究所
  • 收稿日期:1981-12-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1982-12-25 发布日期:1982-12-25


Chen Xueyu   

  1. Guizhou Electro-Mechanical Design Research Institute
  • Received:1981-12-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1982-12-25 Published:1982-12-25

摘要: 本文利用微分对策理论方法研究了在三维空间里,以一阶惯性环节考虑导弹和目标动力学因素的最优制导律问题。给出了一个矢量形式的最优反馈制导律,并在反馈增益中引用了系统控制刚度参量k,进而给出了新的综合意义。 最后,在一定条件下,通过进一步近似还给出了一个次优制导律。

Abstract: An optimal guidance law which considers kinetic factors of missile and target via first order inertial loop in three dimensional space is studied on the basis of the theory of differential games. An optimal feedback guidance law is given in vector form, and the control rigidity parameter"k"is introduced into the feedback gain. The "k" is a scalar with determinate physical meaning. It represents responded characteristics and controllability of the system. Hence, in addition to being a function of time the feedback gain is related with the characteristics of the system. So it is possible to develop the certain relations of the feedback gain to other parameters such as Ts, Ks,ξs as well as H, M etc. by further studying on the parameter"k". Therefore, an improvement for the effect of the guidance law can be obtained, In other words, since the control rigidity"k" is introduced, a new synthesis mean is provided to the further studying on the guidance law.Finally, several problems are discussed in brief: first, the degeneration of the optimal guidance law proposed is discussed under certain conditions; then, for the convenience of realization, a suboptimal guidance law is given in finite rigidity case by means of further simplification; and also the controllability of the system is illustrated essentially. In addition, the case of ξ≠1 is considered in Appendix.