航空学报 > 1991, Vol. 12 Issue (8): 396-402


李泓1, 康继昌2   

  1. 1. 北京航空航天大学 ;2. 西北工业大学
  • 收稿日期:1989-11-02 修回日期:1990-07-15 出版日期:1991-08-25 发布日期:1991-08-25


Li Hong1, Kang Jichang2   

  1. 1. Beijing University of Aeronautics;2. Northwestern Polvtechnical University
  • Received:1989-11-02 Revised:1990-07-15 Online:1991-08-25 Published:1991-08-25

摘要: 本文介绍了在SUN工作站UNIX操作系统下实现的一个用于LSI/VLSI积木块布图设计的自动布线系统——RSAB,给出了系统构成,通道定义方法以及全局和通道布线算法。系统除了可对一般信号线网自动布线外,还可处理特殊线网(电源/地线网,临界线网等)的自动布线。目前RSAB已集成在一个交互式版图编辑系统——Magic中,提供设计者一个友好的用户界面和自动/交互式布图环境。实验结果表明RSAB是可行的,布线结果令人满意。

关键词: 布线, 通道布线, 布图, 超大规模集成电路计算机辅助设计

Abstract: BSAB, an automatic wire routing system for LSI/VLSI building-block layout design which is implemented on SUN workstation under UNIX operating system, is presented. The system configuration, the method of channel definition and the global and channel routing algorithms used in RSAB are described in this paper. RSAB can route various kinds of nets including power/ground nets and critical nets automatically. At present, it has been incorporated into Magic interactive layout system which has friendly user interfaces. An automatic/interactive layout environment has been established. Experimental results are encouraging and show that RSAB is a useful and promising routing system.

Key words: routing, channel routing, layout, VDSI CAD