Aerodynamic heating produced in the hypersonic flight test will destroy the pressure transducers mounted on the vehicle surface and lead to measurement failure. Recessed installation of transducers can avoid direct contact with the high temperature air surrounding the vehicles and abate the excessive heat loads. In this paper, experimental measurements of pressure fluctuations in a hypersonic boundary layer are carried out based on recessed installation of transducers and the effects of opening diameter on characteristics of fluctuating pressure are studied. The results show that the intensity of pressure fluctuation is reduced and the correlation of flow field is enhanced as the opening diameter increases. Recess mounting could cause cavity flow, and the influence of cavity flow on fluctuation pressure measurement is reduced as the opening diameter increases. Within the frequency band of 10-20 kHz, the opening diameter only mildly influences the fluctuating pressure intensity, but within the frequency band of 1-10 kHz, the opening diameter exerts more significant effects on the wave period of pressure fluctuations. Nonlinear phase lock resonance transfers the energy from high frequency structures to low frequency structures, leading to the flow structures occurring self-interaction and nonlinear phase coupling tending to the low frequency. As the opening diameter increases, the nonlinear phase coupling finally vanishes. In addition, the energy distributions of different scale structures share higher similarity with those under flush mounting with the increasing opening diameter.
YAO Shiyong
MIN Changwan
. Effects of opening diameter on measurement of recessed pressure transducers[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(12)
: 122029
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22029
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