Considering the mission of cargo delivery in the cislunar space and the mission of space facility construction in the circumlunar orbit, a new Earth-Moon orbit transfer mode based on ballistic escape and low-thrust capture is proposed, and a complete set of design method for this type of trajectory is established. First, the two-dimensional polar coordinate dynamics models for the geocentric ballistic escape trajectory and the selenocentric low-thrust capture trajectory are established respectively based on the hypothesis of three-body model. For the ballistic escape trajectory, the alignment angle in the geocentric rotating frame and the velocity increment of trans-lunar injection are selected as control variables, analytic formulas for initial value estimation are proposed, and the sequential quadratic programming algorithm is applied to quickly search this trajectory. For the low-thrust capture trajectory, selenocentric distance is considered as reference quantity to set the splicing point constraints with ballistic escape trajectory, an energy matching method is proposed to estimate the flight time, and the initial values of adjoint variables in perilune are estimated by using analytic formulas of initial adjoint states for optimal spiral trajectory. Based on the hybrid method and backward orbit propagate, the artificial immune algorithm is used to solve the low-thrust capture trajectory. Simulation results show that the Earth-Moon orbit transfer based on ballistic escape and low-thrust capture can significantly reduce fuel consumption of lunar orbit insertion, and can fly through the radiation belts of Earth quickly with moderate flight time. The trajectory design method proposed in this paper can rapidly search the trans-lunar trajectory with ballistic escape and low-thrust capture, validating the effectiveness of this method.
ZHANG Bainan
. Design of trans-lunar trajectory based on ballistic escape and low-thrust capture[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(8)
: 322047
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22047
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