To address the problem of uncertainty of work life distribution and difficulty in predicting demands for life-limited spares, a determination method for support plan for life-limited spares is proposed based on normal-equivalence. The work life of life-limited spares is obtained to be equivalent to normal distribution based on Bayesian theory, and the number of the spares demand is then calculated. The life replacement probability is put forward to measure the safety benefits during the replacement cycle. The optimal replacement cycle is obtained by tradeoff between safety benefits and economic costs. A comparison of simulation and calculation results shows that our method is reasonable and feasible and owns high precision.
SHAO Songshi
ZHANG Zhihua
LI Hua
LIU Renyang
. Determination method for support plan for life-limited spares with normal distribution[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(1)
: 221147
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.221147
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