A control method for a class of fixed-canard dual-spin rockets is proposed to adjust the magnitude and the direction of the average control force. The method is presented according to the relationship between the magnitude of the average control force and the spinning trajectory of the actuator motor. This relationship is calculated based on the idea of the period average. Based on a simulation of 7 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) trajectory, the lateral correction ability and the effects of the height control and the drop point control of the fixed-canard dual-spin rocket are analyzed to verify the feasibility of the control method proposed. The results show that in contrast to the traditional control method of holding the canard to the direction needed several times during the flight, the control method based on the period average can continuously adjust the magnitude and the direction of the average control force, so as to realize the guidance and control of the fixed-canard dual-spin rocket.
GUO Zhiyuan
YAO Xiaoxian
. Control method for a class of fixed-canard dual-spin rockets based on period average[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017
, 38(12)
: 321307
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.321307
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