Numerical simulation methods for 2DOF coupled oscillations of aircraft
Received date: 2017-04-21
Revised date: 2017-06-16
Online published: 2017-06-16
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (613221);National Natural Science Foundation of China (11572341); National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFB0200704)
Focusing on the "PQR" forced oscillation test apparatus for modeling Two-Degree-of-Freedom (2DOF) motions, coordinate transformation is performed to obtain unified Euler angle descriptions of the pitch/yaw, pitch/roll and yaw/roll coupled motions. Based on moving grids for prescribed motion and Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations, a numerical algorithm is developed to simulate coupled oscillation of aircrafts. Surrounding low speed flows of a complex aircraft, single-degree oscillations of yaw and roll and yaw/roll coupled oscillation are respectively computed at angle of attack of 10° and amplitude of oscillation of 40°. The numerical results agree well with the experimental data, showing that current algorithm has promising potentials in simulation of complicated coupled motions of aircrafts. As for moving process and aerodynamics, the yaw/roll coupled motion is compared with the super position of single yaw and roll oscillations, which shows that differences exist in body angular velocities and flow angles,and the moment hysteresis curve of the yaw/roll coupled motion shows crossings, indicating totally different damping characteristics from single DOF oscillation. In current yaw and roll oscillations, flows are characterized by laterally separated vortexes. It is assumed that at high angle of attack, when flows are more complicated with lateral and longitudinal vortexes and strong coupled effects, more studies should be done on numerical methods of highly separated flows.
Key words: 2DOF; large amplitude oscillation; coupled motion; unsteady; numerical simulation
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