Influence of vibration on contact performance degradation of electrical connectors
Received date: 2016-11-16
Revised date: 2017-02-22
Online published: 2017-04-26
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51107028);Electrical Products Reliability Technology of Hebei 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center Project
The jack of the electrical connector is an elastic element, and is easy to show stress relaxation under the effect of long-term vibration, so as to leads to performance degradation of electrical connectors. A contact force monitoring method and contact performance degradation test scheme are proposed, and a circuit is designed for the test. The test result shows that the fluctuation of the contact force is influenced by vibration frequency and acceleration. The contact force fluctuation under high frequency vibration is about 3-7 times of that under low frequency vibration. The contact force fluctuation under low frequency vibration increases more obviously with the increase of vibration acceleration. The contact force decreases with the increase of vibrations. The larger the vibration amplitude is, the more obvious the decrease of the contact force is. The change law of the slot width after the test is consistent with that of the contact force. Moreover, the larger the vibration amplitude is, the more obvious the difference of the slot width variation is. However, the contact resistance has no obvious change tendency. Therefore, although the evolution process of stress relaxation and the contact performance degradation of electrical connectors caused by vibration are extremely slow, the difference of vibration effect can lead to sudden accidental failure of electrical connectors.
LUO Yanyan , CAI Ming , YU Changchao , WANG Biao . Influence of vibration on contact performance degradation of electrical connectors[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017 , 38(8) : 220936 -220936 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.220936
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