Multiple safety boundaries protection on aircraft icing
Received date: 2016-08-29
Revised date: 2016-10-26
Online published: 2016-11-10
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2015CB755800); National Natural Science Foundation of China (11172314)
Boundary protection is very important to guarantee the safety of aircraft. Current research on boundary protection based on flight dynamics does not take into consideration of all the factors of aircraft disaster by ice. In this paper, the current research status and progress of aircraft icing safety are reviewed. The influencing factors of disaster by ice and the laws are analyzed. The concept of multiple safety boundaries of iced aircraft is presented. Safety boundary in aircraft icing is divided into three types:boundary of weather, boundary of ice shape and boundary of flight performance. According to different factors such as the degree of deterioration of flight performance and the impact of flight control, each boundary is further divided into a number of boundaries. Some key problems of research on multiple safety boundary protection in aircraft icing are further analyzed to obtain some directions for further relevant research. This study can provide some reference for the applications of aircraft design, airworthiness certification, flight control, route planning, and optimization of protection rating.
Key words: aircraft; icing; boundary; ice shape; icing meteorological conditions; multiple; icing protection
GUI Yewei , ZHOU Zhihong , LI Yinghui , XU Haojun . Multiple safety boundaries protection on aircraft icing[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017 , 38(2) : 520723 -520734 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0280
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