High-order numerical simulation of CRM wing-body model
Received date: 2016-04-07
Revised date: 2016-06-06
Online published: 2016-06-15
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFB0200700)
High-order numerical simulation on CRM wing-body model is presented with the fifth-order WCNS scheme to assess the ability of high-order WCNS scheme on complex configuration simulation and the precision in predicating cruise drag of transonic configuration. Four grids (coarse, medium, fine, and extra fine) are created with software ICEM according to the gridding guidelines provided by DPW organizing committee, and the grid sizes range from 2 578 687 cells for the "Coarse" level to 65 464 511 cells for the "Extra-fine" level. Computation and analysis on four grids are carried out to investigate the grid effect on aerodynamic characteristics, pressure distribution and the local separation bubble at the wing root trailing edge, and the "Medium" grid is used in the numerical simulation and study of buffet onset. Compared to second-order numerical results, the statistic results submitted by DPW V participants and some experimental data, the high-order numerical results show that the drag coefficient computational results agree well with statistic data from DPW V participants; the grid density has some influence on the location of the shock wave and the size of the local separation bubble at the wing root trailing edge; the enlargement of the size of the separation zone due to shock wave and the local separation bubble at the wing root trailing edge on the upper surface of the wing is the main reason of the lift lift curve break at 4° angle of attack.
WANG Yuntao , SUN Yan , MENG Dehong , WANG Guangxue . High-order numerical simulation of CRM wing-body model[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017 , 38(3) : 120298 -120298 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0185
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