Electronics and Control

Sensitivity analysis on accuracy of helicopter fire control system: A BNSobol method

  • HE Chuchao ,
  • GAO Xiaoguang
  • School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710129, China

Received date: 2015-10-22

  Revised date: 2016-02-15

  Online published: 2016-05-27

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61573285)


Pointing at the status that most of the current research only analyzed the effect that a single error source works on the helicopter fire control system, we propose that the sensitivity analysis on accuracy of the helicopter fire control system should be executed. To achieve more accurate sensitivity analysis with sparse data and imprecise model, a new sensitivity analysis method named BNSobol method is proposed based on Bayesian network and Sobol index theory. The proposed BNSobol method is experimentally compared with classical Sobol method. Experiments reveal that the proposed method can reduce the amount of required analysis data, meanwhile subject to certain accuracy. The analysis does not rely on the model and it can present concrete error source's value region under certain constraints. The BNSobol method provides theory support and alternative method for error allocation to each part, which further raises total efficacy of the helicopter fire control system.

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HE Chuchao , GAO Xiaoguang . Sensitivity analysis on accuracy of helicopter fire control system: A BNSobol method[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(10) : 3110 -3120 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0151


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