Calculating filling properties for N2/CF3I based on volume translation Peng-Robinson equation
Received date: 2016-01-08
Revised date: 2016-03-02
Online published: 2016-03-04
The volume translation method is used to correct the original Peng-Robinson state (VTPR) equation for representing the density of trifluoroiodomethane (CF3I) in the saturated region. Based on VTPR equation associated with the classical van der Waals mixing rule, the mass of N2 required to pressurize CF3I is calculated. For the case of filling one-half and two thirds of extinguisher, the results show that calculated mass of N2 agrees well with the experimental data and it is better than the values of PROFISSY software. With different filling density of CF3I, the relationship of total pressure versus temperature is obtained when the super-pressurized pressure are 2.5 MPa and 4.2 MPa. Besides, the critical pressure and critical temperature are also acquired when the fire agent bottle is liquid-full. The relationship of pressure versus temperature for the agent of CF3I will help to design fire suppression system in aircraft.
CHEN Mengdong , YU Jianzu , XIE Yongqi . Calculating filling properties for N2/CF3I based on volume translation Peng-Robinson equation[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(12) : 3706 -3712 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0062
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