DES numerical study of shock wave/boundary layer interactions in hypersonic flows controlled by double micro-ramps
Received date: 2015-12-11
Revised date: 2016-01-11
Online published: 2016-01-12
Supported by
General Armament Department Pre-Research Foundation of China (9140C300206150C30143);Innovation Funding of Scientific Research of Jiangsu Province for Graduate Students of Universities (KYZZ15_0134)
Shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SWBLI) is a ubiquitous phenomenon encountered in hypersonic flow field, which can induce flow separation and lead to performance degradation of hypersonic inlet. Detached-eddy simulation (DES) and finite volume method have been used with the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technology to simulate the flow separation induced by SWBLIs in hypersonic flow at Ma∞=7.0, which have been respectively controlled by single and double micro-ramps. The control effects of micro-ramps with different streamwise installation positions on flow separation have been discussed based on the flow structure, near-wall streamwise velocity, pressure gradient and total pressure loss. The numerical results show that the reciprocal induction among the vortices pairs generated by these two micro-ramps shows the promoting effects on vortices entrainment generated by each micro-ramp, consequently the performance of double micro-ramps in eliminating the separation bubble is better than the single. As the distance between micro-ramp the trailing edge and the center of separation bubble decreases, the total pressure loss shows a trend of first decrease and then increase. Discussing the effects of both streamwise vortex intensity and its additional resistance synthetically, the optimal streamwise installation position of double micro-ramps is obtained.
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