Survey on amount configuration methods of carrying spare parts
Received date: 2015-11-03
Revised date: 2015-11-21
Online published: 2016-01-11
Spare parts are very important support resources to repair naval carrier aircrafts when they are failure at sea, and number of spare parts that should be carried in a warship is influenced by requirements of maintenance cost, storage space of ship, and operational availability of equipment. Aiming at the problem of how to calculate the number of carrying spare parts before sailing out, common methods and the latest development are analyzed and summarized. Three types of methods, demand forecasting method, sequential optimization method of maintenance first and spare parts second, and joint optimization method of both, are paid special attention to. Features and applicable occasions of the three methods are compared with each other from the points of maintenance cost, storage space of ship, and operational availability of equipment. After comparison of these methods, we conclude that joint optimization is the most suitable method for carrying spare parts configuration. Finally, future research directions of joint optimization method of carrying spare parts are proposed.
XU Zongchang , ZHANG Yongqiang , HU Kaikai , YUE Fuchang . Survey on amount configuration methods of carrying spare parts[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(9) : 2623 -2633 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0358
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