Conceptual design of rotary wing and fixed wing compound VTOL aircraft
Received date: 2015-09-03
Revised date: 2015-11-26
Online published: 2015-12-04
Supported by
"Fanzhou" Education Fund of Beihang University;Graduate Innovative Practice Fund Project of Beihang University(YCSJ-01-201515)
Vertical takeoff and landing(VTOL) aircraft technology has been developed rapidly in recent years with some breakthroughs and also unsolved issues.A rotary wing and fixed wing compound VTOL aircraft configuration is proposed,which combines the advantages of rotorcraft and fixedwing aircraft.It possesses the performance of VTOL capability and high-speed cruise.And the stability and controllability of conversion flight benefits from this configuration.The multifunctional rotary wing rotates for lift and transforms to a fixed wing surface in high-speed flight while the vectored thrust appliance provides axial thrust.A specific conceptual design method and the key technologies for this type of VTOL aircraft are discussed.The specializations of the conceptual design for airframe aerodynamics,the multifunctional rotary wing,vectored thrust appliance and power system are illustrated.The manipulation theory,flight characters and the performances of horizontal flight mode,vertical flight mode and conversion flight are analyzed.A prototype is manufactured.The results of primary flight tests prove the feasibility of this configuration.And a design example has been analyzed according to this method.The accuracy and practicality are proved by the results.
ZHANG Xiaochi , WAN Zhiqiang , ZHANG Yiying , YANG Chao . Conceptual design of rotary wing and fixed wing compound VTOL aircraft[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(1) : 179 -192 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0322
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