Influence of overall configuration parameters on aerodynamic characteristics of a blended-wing-body aircraft
Received date: 2015-10-21
Revised date: 2015-11-04
Online published: 2015-11-19
As an potential and competent contender,overall configuration parameters of Blend-Wing-Body(BWB)aircraft play an important role in its aerodynamic characteristics.So it is necessary to reveal the trends of the influence of overall parameters on its performance.In this paper,the influence of some aerodynamic configuration parameters,including trapezoidal wing area,aspect ratio,sweep angle of outer-wing leading edge,on the high-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a conceptual BWB civil aircraft was analyzed using fast numerical simulation method.Results show that aspect ratio and trapezoidal wing area are of particular significance in the improvement of aerodynamic performance while variation on sweep of out-wing leading edge leads to slight performance change and does not identify a clear changing relationship.
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