A comprehensive analysis of aerodynamics for spacecraft re-entery Earth's atmosphere surroundings
Received date: 2014-08-10
Revised date: 2014-11-14
Online published: 2014-11-14
Supported by
National Key Basic Research and Development Program (2014CB744100); National Natural Science Foundation of China (11325212)
Aerodynamic characteristics of spacecraft re-entering Earth's atmosphere is the key factor to achieve the spaceflight velocity reduction to the landing speed and ensure the effective control of re-entry flight and the re-entry thermal protection with safety and reliability, which is one of the core basic techniques in the development of space vehicles. In this paper, for a class of aerodynamic configuration for the spacecraft re-entering from orbit, the researches and analyses including the aerodynamic action during spacecraft flight re-entering to the Earth, the gas flow surrounding around the spacecraft, and the dynamic and thermal effects from the interaction of air and spacecraft are put into practice on the basis of the typical re-entry control and thermal protection technologies. The common characteristics and the changing rules have been systematically presented including the spacecraft re-entry aerodynamic drag and re-entry deceleration, aerodynamic lift and re-entry trajectory control, trim of angle of attack and flight stability, as well as aerodynamic heating and thermal protection. The influence mechanisms of different re-entry aerodynamic characteristics and changing weather conditions have also been revealed on re-entry flight performance. The researching results provide the design references for engineering development of aerodynamic performance covering various flow regimes in the process of spacecraft re-entry flight.
FANG Fang , ZHOU Lu , LI Zhihui . A comprehensive analysis of aerodynamics for spacecraft re-entery Earth's atmosphere surroundings[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2015 , 36(1) : 24 -38 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0225
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