Reverse Design and Drag Characteristic of Hypersonic Inlet

  • ZHANG Kun-Yuan

Received date: 2014-09-11

  Revised date: 2014-09-17

  Online published: 2014-09-17

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China


This paper proposed the new concept of curved shock compression system, in which specially designed 2D or 3D curved compression surface is used. The leading shock wave would be curved due to its interaction with isentropic compression waves near the compression surface, and free stream is compressed by the curved shock wave together with the isentropic waves. Based on this concept, methods of: reverse designing supersonic internal flow path according to assigned outflow parameters, reverse designing compression surface according to pressure distribution p(s) or Mach number distribution Ma(s) along the surface, and reverse designing surface according to shock wave shape W(s) are established. The curved shock compression has a good comprehensive performance as shown in the investigation, and represents a brand-new approach for the design of hypersonic propulsion compression system. Drag reduction is another challenge for hypersonic inlet design. Based on gas dynamics fundamentals, the minimum possible value of inlet drag is derived determined and drag reduction principles are proposed, which could be scientific basis for future flight vehicle designing, propulsion system designing and inlet drag reduction investigation.

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ZHANG Kun-Yuan . Reverse Design and Drag Characteristic of Hypersonic Inlet[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 0 : 0 -0 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0240


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