Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics

Effect of Rectangular-to-circular on Flow Characteristics of Three-dimensional Sidewall Compression Inlet

  • LIU Xiong ,
  • WANG Yi ,
  • LIANG Jianhan
  • Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China

Received date: 2014-02-10

  Revised date: 2014-07-28

  Online published: 2014-08-08

Supported by

Natural Science Foundation of China (11002157)


The effect of rectangular-to-circular on the performance and flow field of three-dimensional sidewall compression hypersonic inlet is investigated in this article. The basic performance and flow field of the original inlet with rectangular outlet, the inlet rounding from throat, and the inlet rounding from the front of sidewall root, are compared with each other through numerical simulation. The results reveal that the gross performance of inlets with rectangular-to-circular isolator are better than the original inlet, and in the two rectangular-to-circular inlets, Scheme 3 that takes the internal converging portion and isolator as a whole is superior to Scheme 2 that rounding from throat, the common characteristics of secondary flow in the isolator of the three schemes is that nearby the bottom wall exist two opposite flow-directional vortices, and the relationship between them determines the distribution and development of the bottom low-energy flow region, rectangular-to-circular process from the front of side wall root has a stronger enhancement on the side wall vortex than that from throat, which produces the roll-down effect so that it can improve the corner low-energy flow.

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LIU Xiong , WANG Yi , LIANG Jianhan . Effect of Rectangular-to-circular on Flow Characteristics of Three-dimensional Sidewall Compression Inlet[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2014 , 35(11) : 2939 -2948 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0172


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