Electronics and Control

A Real Time Estimation Method of Time-delay for X-ray Pulsar Signal

  • LI Pengfei ,
  • XU Guodong ,
  • DONG Limin ,
  • HOU Tianrui
  • Research Center of Satellite Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China

Received date: 2013-09-16

  Revised date: 2014-01-20

  Online published: 2014-02-13

Supported by

National High-tech Research and Development Program of China (2008AA8051602)


In order to make up for the defect of traditional treatment in the frequency domain, that can not provide enough new information to the autonomous spacecraft navigation system because of long time accumulation, a new kind of particle filter based on the normal particle filter is proposed for estimating the phase of a pulsar signal. Firstly, a mathematical model of the pulsar signal is obtained by artificial neural network, and the model is taken as the system state equation. Secondly, the new particle filter which is proposed in order to solve the sample impoverishment phenomenon is strictly proven. Finally, because of the special features of the system, the function which indicates the output value precision is derived, and it can provide a reference for spacecraft navigation strategy. Several simulation results all show that the filter can guarantee stability and high precision under the conditions which are set for the three cases that the spacecraft may encounter in real situations.

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LI Pengfei , XU Guodong , DONG Limin , HOU Tianrui . A Real Time Estimation Method of Time-delay for X-ray Pulsar Signal[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2014 , 35(7) : 1966 -1976 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0526


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