State of the Art and Development Trends of On-board Autonomy Technology for Deep Space Explorer
Received date: 2013-05-02
Revised date: 2013-07-04
Online published: 2013-07-19
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB720000); National Natural Science Foundation of China (60803051, 60874094); Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (20111101110001); Project of BIT Science and Technology Innovation Team
During the process of deep space exploration, the explorer is far away from the Earth while the environment around it is complex and harsh. Therefore it is difficult for ground stations with telecontrol and telemetry to satisfy the real-time and safety requirements of control systems for the deep space explorer. Autonomy technology then becomes a key to deep space exploration. An on-board autonomous management software system is used to enable the planning and scheduling of engineering and science tasks, execute commands, monitor states of the explorer and reconfigue the system when faults arise, all of which guarantees the autonomous and safe on-board operation without commands from the ground in the long cause of exploration. This paper first analyzed the limits of the traditional measuring and controlling mode for deep space exploration and reviewed the state of the art of autonomy technology. Then, it analyzed the key techniques of the autonomy of the explorer, which consisted of on-board autonomous management system designing, autonomous mission planning, autonomous navigation and control, autonomous fault processing and recovery, and autonomous operation of scientific mission. Finally, combined with the engineering implementation and technology requirements of deep space exploration, the paper envisaged the development trends and key points of autonomous technology of deep space explorers in future.
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