Dynamic Management Model of Two-echelon Maintenance and Supply System for Spare Parts with Cannibalization
Received date: 2012-06-29
Revised date: 2012-10-19
Online published: 2013-02-26
Supported by
National Defence Pre-research Foundation of China (51304010206, 51327020105)
During the daily operation of a maintenance and supply system for spare parts, dynamic management involved in the daily allocation for inventory and repair resources can improve support effectiveness with the current stock-configuration scheme. In order to achieve the same result in a two-echelon support system with cannibalization strategy, dynamic scheduling models are established respectively for inventory allocation and faulty item sequence in the multi-repair-channel under the finite repair resources constraint. A Monte Carlo simulation model is also built in line with the dynamic multi-echelon technique for recoverable item control (Dyna-METRIC) framework which is used for simulation analysis on spare parts inventory. The dynamic scheduling models are embedded in our simulation model for testing and verifying. Initial stock-configuration schemes are provided according to the traditional principle of first come, first served (FCFS) and assigned availability goals, then treated as the inputs of the simulation model for experiment. The results show that support effectiveness with dynamic scheduling models is much better than that with traditional FCFS principle, which proves the validity of the model.
Key words: inventory management; maintenance; dynamic model; cannibalization; spare part
WANG Shen , LI Qingmin , PENG Yingwu . Dynamic Management Model of Two-echelon Maintenance and Supply System for Spare Parts with Cannibalization[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2013 , 34(6) : 1326 -1335 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0158
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