Analysis for Impact of Resonator’s Q-factor Nonuniformity on the Error of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro
Received date: 2012-01-16
Revised date: 2012-03-19
Online published: 2013-01-19
Supported by
National Defense Advanced Research Project (51309050601)
A resonator’s Q-factor nonuniformity is one of the main error sources of a hemispherical resonator gyro (HRG). Therefore, it is of theoretical importance to study the influence of Q-factor nonuniformity about the circumferential angle on the output angular rate error under both positional and the parametric exciting modes. Based on the introduction of a ring-shaped dynamic equation of hemispherical resonator, the expression for a gyro’s precession error is derived, and the influence of Q-factor nonuniformity on drift angle is computed through simulation calculation. The drift angle curve is found to be an oscillating curve with a ramp trend term under the parametric exciting mode. The influence of Q-factor nonuniformity on the solution error of input angular rate is also computed through simulation under both the open-loop mode and the closed-loop mode. It is proved that the solution error will be restrained when the excitation electrode aligns with the resonator’s inherent toughness axis under the positional exciting mode. In summary, the 4th harmonic component of resonator’s Q-factor nonuniformity will bring about output errors under whatever exciting modes.
LI Wei, REN Shunqing, WANG Changhong. Analysis for Impact of Resonator’s Q-factor Nonuniformity on the Error of Hemispherical Resonator Gyro[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2013, 34(1): 121-129. DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0015
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