A new algorithm for solving Euler equations on polyhedral grids is developed and validated in this paper. A general solver which supports arbitrary mesh topology and three-dimensional complex geometry is constructed by using Fortran 95 language. For spatial discretization, a new improved radial basis function method is proposed for gradient calculation. An accurate and robust second-order reconstruction is achieved by using the kinetic flux vector splitting scheme. The new method does not depend on the geometry of the grid. Thus it is much less sensitive to grid quality. With a point implicit relaxation time marching strategy, the solver remains stable at large time steps. The test cases indicate that the algorithm and the solver developed in this paper are stable, accurate while exhibiting good flexibility on mesh universality.
LI Shujie, YANG Guowei
. Numerical Algorithm of Euler Equations on Arbitrary Polyhedral Grids[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2011
, 32(9)
: 1608
DOI: CNKI:11-1929/V.20110120.1732.007
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