High-altitude long-endurance (HALE) aircraft features slender and flexible structures, which under nominal operation conditions may result in large structural deformation, aerodynamic stall, and coupling between the low-frequency structural vibration and the rigid body motion of the aircraft. These nonlinearities and interactions affect dramatically the static and dynamic behaviors of a HALE flexible aircraft. This paper developed a coupled model of aeroelasticity and flight dynamics for high-aspect-ratio flexible aircraft based on the geometrically exact, fully intrinsic beam theory, ONERA aerodynamic stall model, and a six degree of freedom model of the rigid body motion. This model takes into consideration the geometrical nonlinearities, dynamic stall and material anisotropy, etc. Two case models of the conventional configuration and the flying-wing configuration are used to investigate the characteristics of the trim, dynamic stability and time-domain response of the high-aspect-ratio flexible aircraft with nonlinear aeroelasticity and flight dynamics coupled. The results obtained indicate that when the wing deformation is relatively small, the angle of attack required for the trim of the flexible aircraft is smaller than that for a rigid aircraft, and stall may occur along the whole wing span, which may cause altitude decrease quickly due to the dramatic reduction in the total lift of the complete aircraft. When the wing deformation is relatively large, the angle of attack required for the trim of the flexible aircraft is larger than that for a rigid aircraft, and stall occurs in a limited region near the wing tip. In addition, the motion of a flexible aircraft may become unstable due to large deformation of its wings, which can be improved by applying aeroelastic tailoring.
. Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Coupled Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and Flight Dynamics of Flexible Aircraft[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2011
, 32(9)
: 1569
DOI: CNKI:11-1929/V.20110509.1158.006
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