
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5): 269-275.

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Duan Guang-ren, Huang Xian-lin, Liu Sheng-cai   

  1. Box 516, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150006
  • Received:1990-07-16 Revised:1991-01-17 Online:1992-05-25 Published:1992-05-25

Abstract: Loop transfer recovery is an important property of observer-based control systems. In this paper a simple effective approach is presented for design of Luenberger observers with loop recovery property. An explicit analytical general solution of the matrix equation TA-FT = LC is first deduced, and the loop transter recovery condition is then formulated in form of a group of free parameters ultilizing the obtained general solution of the matrix equation; finally using the obtained formulation of the loop tra-sfer recovery condition, a design algorithm for Luenberger observers with loop transfer recovery is proposed. The proposed approach is simpler and more effective then past results, and also allows the observer poles to be selected as part of the design freedom within certain desired region. A numerical example shows the simplicity and the effect of the proposed approach.

Key words: linear systems, Luenberger observers, loop transter recovery