


Characteristic of Engine Water Ingestion from Wheel Spray


  • Received:2017-05-26 Revised:2017-08-31 Published:2017-09-08

Abstract: When an airplane passes through water standing on runways and taxiways, the water ingestion from wheel spray is a very complex process. Two methods were proposed for analysis the characteristic of engine water ingestion from wheel spray: analogy and numerical simulation. These two methods were conducted to analyze the water ingestion characteristics of engine inlet as the airplane passes through water standing by different velocity that associate with velocity of water from wheel spray, typical conditions includes different taxied velocity and water spay initial parameters.The results illustrate that inlet would not suck spray water and demonstrate its agreement to the regulation. water from wheel spray was ingested by inlet engine as Vy increases over 69m/s as well as Vz increases over 40m/s.

Key words: gas-liquid two-phase flow, Water Ingestion , parameterized analysis, airworthiness, Numerical Simulation