This paper studies the Radar Cross-Section (RCS) effect on canard configuration fighter of canard. First, the scattering mechanism of canard is analyzed. And then, the Multi-Level Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) is used to compute the configuration’s RCS of the given fighter models. And by comparing the computational results of both the canard configuration and the conventional configuration, the RCS effect of canard is analyzed, focusing on the RCS effect on fighter after the canard is rotated. In addition, a full-size parts stealth test is conducted by researching the RCS effect on fighter of both edge scattering and gap scattering and respective inhibition measures. The test results show that, after the scattering of canard is inhibited, the RCS level of canard configuration can be applied to configuration design of stealth fighter. And its stealth capacity is comparable with that of the conventional configuration. Finally, the guiding principles of canard stealth design are postulated.
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