收稿日期: 2017-03-18
修回日期: 2017-04-25
网络出版日期: 2017-04-25
Numerical study of supercooling characteristics of droplet in icing wind tunnel
Received date: 2017-03-18
Revised date: 2017-04-25
Online published: 2017-04-25
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2015CB755800);National Natural Science Foundation of China (11572338)
为明晰结冰风洞中液滴过冷特性,发展了基于欧拉法的气液两相耦合流动计算方法,模拟了结冰风洞中气液两相耦合流动过程。在此基础上,首先开展了参数影响研究,然后考察了典型结冰风洞构型中三维收缩效应对液滴过冷特性的影响,最后评估了该风洞试验段内液滴过冷状态。结果表明:结冰风洞中液滴过冷特性主要受液滴粒径和气流速度影响,增大液滴粒径和气流速度会显著增加两相温度平衡距离;结冰风洞中的液滴传热过程可以分为准一维传热和三维收缩传热两个阶段,三维收缩传热阶段对液滴过冷状态的影响显著强于准一维传热阶段,三维收缩效应对液滴过冷状态起决定性作用;在典型试验工况下,粒径小于40 μm的小粒径液滴在试验段内均达到过冷状态(液滴气流温度差小于2℃),但粒径大于100 μm的大粒径液滴在高风速条件下(试验段气流速度为157 m/s)未达到过冷状态(液滴气流温度差大于5℃)。
郭向东 , 王梓旭 , 李明 , 肖春华 . 结冰风洞中液滴过冷特性数值研究[J]. 航空学报, 2017 , 38(10) : 121254 -121254 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.121254
In order to understand the supercooling of the droplet in the icing wing tunnel,a numerical method based on Eulerian theory is developed to simulate the gas-droplet flow in an icing wind tunnel.Using the numerical method,a parametric study is firstly conducted,then the influence of 3D contraction of a typical icing wind tunnel configuration is investigated,and finally the supercooling of the droplet in the test section of the wind tunnel is evaluated.The results show that the droplet diameter and gas velocity have a great effect on the supercooling of the droplet.The larger the droplet diameter or airspeed,the larger distance where the droplet temperature is close to the gas temperature.The process of droplet heat transfer in a typical icing wind tunnel configuration can be divided into two stages:the quasi-1D stage and the 3D contraction stage.The influence of the 3D contraction stage on the droplet supercooling is greater than that of the quasi-1D stage.Therefore,the 3D contraction of the typical icing wind tunnel configuration has a significant effect on the supercooling of the droplet.In typical test conditions,the small droplets with the diameter smaller than 40 μm are supercooling (the temperature difference between droplet and gas is lower than 2 ℃) in the test section,but big droplets with the diameter bigger than 100 μm cannot be supercooling (the temperature difference between the droplet and gas is higher than 5 ℃) at the high test section velocity (the airspeed is 157 m/s).
Key words: aircraft icing; icing wind tunnel; droplet; supercooling; numerical simulation
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