收稿日期: 2017-01-07
修回日期: 2017-02-16
网络出版日期: 2017-02-22
Aerodynamic optimization design for civil aircraft considering relaxed static stability
Received date: 2017-01-07
Revised date: 2017-02-16
Online published: 2017-02-22
Supported by
National Basic Research Program of China (2014CB744804)
为了更加有效地减小民用客机考虑配平约束后的阻力,针对典型跨声速民用客机机翼-机身-平尾构型研究了不同静稳定度下的气动优化设计,并总结出在民用客机的减阻设计中考虑放宽静稳定度具有较大的减阻潜力。通过自由型面变形(FFD)技术对全机外形进行参数化,实现机翼型面的变形,进行气动优化设计并改变平尾的偏转保证全机能够力矩配平。采用基于雷诺平均Navier-Stokes(RANS)方程的离散伴随方法求解目标函数对设计变量的梯度,然后基于序列二次规划算法进行基于梯度的气动优化设计。基于CRM(Common Research Model)构型,针对不同参考重心位置进行了考虑配平约束的减阻优化设计研究,验证了优化设计系统的有效性,算例结果表明,随着重心位置后移即放宽静稳定度,优化构型配平阻力减小,外翼段前缘吸力峰值明显降低且双激波的强度得到有效减弱,此外机翼的升力系数分布更加贴合最佳升力系数分布。
李立 , 白俊强 , 郭同彪 , 陈颂 . 考虑放宽静稳定度的民用客机气动优化设计[J]. 航空学报, 2017 , 38(9) : 121112 -121112 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.121112
The study on the aerodynamic optimization design of the civil jet wing-body-tail configuration with different static stability is presented, which intends to efficiently reduce the aircraft's total drag considering trimming. It is obtained that considering static stability in drag-reduction design can have great potential of reducing the drag. The Free-Form Deform (FFD) technique is adopted to parameterize the wing shape for aerodynamic optimization design and rotate horizontal tail for trimming the pitching moment of the whole aircraft. The discrete adjoint technique based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations is used to solve the gradients of targets with regard to design variables, and sequential quadratic programming is used to conduct the gradient-based optimization design. Based on the Common Research Model (CRM), optimizations considering trimming constraint with different c.g. positions are carried out to reduce aerodynamic drag, and feasibility of the optimization system is confirmed. The results of optimization cases show that when the c.g. position moves backward, the optimization configuration has smaller trim drag, obviously lower negative pressure peak of the leading edge in the outer wing, and weaker shock wave. The distribution of wing spanwise lift coefficient is improved to achieve the optimized design result.
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