

  • 王天宝 陈民
  • 清华大学

收稿日期: 2016-08-29

  修回日期: 2017-01-05

  网络出版日期: 2017-01-05



Determination of the interface temperature for rapid solidification of supercooled water


Received date: 2016-08-29

  Revised date: 2017-01-05

  Online published: 2017-01-05




王天宝 陈民 . 过冷水快速冻结过程中的相界面温度确定[J]. 航空学报, 0 : 0 -0 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0315


The interface position in the freezing of supercooled water could be predicted by solving the Stefan problem. In classical Stefan problem, the interface temperature is set as a constant equal to the melting temperature of the liquid phase. In problems involving rapid solidification, the interface temperature could be lower than the melting temperature due to the non-equilibrium condition. De-termining the interface temperature becomes a challenge. Molecular dynamics method is applied to simulate rapid freezing of super-cooled water. A method to determine the interface temperature is developed. If the interface supercooling temperature is in the range of 0 K to 5 K, the interface kinetic coefficient could be 0.55m·s-1·K-1, Which indicates that interface temperature would decrease 1K if the interface velocity increases 0.55 m/s. For larger supercooling temperature, relationship of the interface velocity and the interface temperature is a quadratic function. The relationship could be applied to the numerical simulation of rapid freezing of supercooled water.


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